m(ot)ivating muscle movement

Why is it important to use bony landmarks and proper positioning for measuring ROM? What is the purpose of the "test position" for MMT? What is the relevance of the gravity eliminated position? Please give at least 5 reasons in your response. 

  There are several reasons why it is important to use bony landmarks when measuring for ROM. One of the reasons is because it acts as a point of reference or the axis for the goniometer. When we palpate or find a bony landmark, that lets us know where the axis of the goniometer should go. Secondly, bony landmarks helps us know where to place the goniometer's arms. Due to palpation, we can see which bones are going to be stable in an activity and which ones are going to be moving; once we figure that portion out we can place the goniometer's arms in retrospect to the muscles in the activity. Also, we use bony landmarks because it increases our intrarater reliability. It is important that we or therapist have a landmark each time that we test the ROM so that the results are consistent and reliable. We also use bony landmarks as a way to test interrater reliability. It is important that no matter how many therapist test ROM on a specific client, that the results are pretty consistent and non-fluctuating, making the test more reliable. Lastly, using bony landmarks are important because it shows us how much flexion and extension that client has in whatever muscle that we are testing. If we did not know the bony landmarks, we would not know if the client had any problems with their ROM. It is also important that the client is in proper positioning when measuring ROM. Proper positioning can not only help with safety precautions, but also it can help with getting the best results for ROM. The client should always be in the best position for getting the best results. 

  It is also important to use "test positioning". The reason we use test positioning is so we can get optimal muscle contraction, which means we want the myosin and actin to contract against each other. Basically, we want the muscle being tested to be put in mid-range position when testing for MMT. MMT, or manual muscle testing, shows how strong or weak that muscle is and depending on how strong or weak that muscle is we score it by its equivalence. When doing the MMT, we usually practice the activity against gravity, however if that person is not able to move their muscles properly we then eliminate gravity by placing them in a "gravity eliminating position". We do this because gravity is the biggest resistance force. So eliminating gravity helps the client have more ROM. Once we have eliminated gravity, we no longer use the Break Test, however we still can use the numerical system that is given within the Break Test. 


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